Yes You Do

Yes You Do

It is through Him that we find strength in situations that seem to overcome us.  It is through FAITH, HOPE, GRACE, and LOVE that we are able to keep on this path and find blessings through lessons, laughter, and pain.  I know we've hit rock bottom at one point in our life, maybe you're in the middle of one right now... He is with you through the struggle, the fear, the joy... and loving you in every moment.  He’s crying with you, celebrating your triumphs along side you, walking into those moments of fear as your shield of courage, has his hand on you, and empathizes. You will not be forsaken with the Lord. When we're Daniel walking to the lions, when we're David facing down Goliath… oh yes He does walk with us in loving grace. On earth as it is in Heaven.

Yes You Do walk with us in loving grace, oh Yes You Do!

Honey's First Post

Honey's First Post

My reason for this post is to ask you to join me on my international, soul searching adventure. The Lord is everywhere, and to have the opportunity to travel where His blessed feet once walked, where His perfect hands healed… I feel beyond blessed. I am running in the direction of my soul’s desire, and my heart desires Our Father and all His goodness.

Come with me and see for yourself the beauty, the miracles, the living hope.